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Cancellations and Returns

We LOVE making handmade and customised items for you here and due to this nature, we don’t allow cancellations of orders one processing has begun. Please, double and triple check all information provided when ordering as this is what we use to create your items. 

If you have made a mistake or need to modify your order, please contact us as soon as you are aware by email to [email protected].

Cancelation and Modification requests will be considered on a case by case basis and will be approved at our discretion.

Orders will be shipped to the address provided by you on your order. We are not responsible for incorrect shipping addresses, so please make sure you have provided the correct address. If you have placed an order with an incorrect address, and have not yet received shipping notification, please contact us as soon as you are aware by email to [email protected]. We are not responsible for mail sent to an incorrectly supplied shipping address. If your order is returned to us from an incorrectly supplied address, you will be charged a new shipping fee before it is resent to the correct address. 

If there is a problem with your order once you receive it, something is incorrect, broken etc. please contact us as soon as you are aware by email to [email protected]. Sometimes mistakes happen and we want to help resolve the issue as swiftly as possible for you! Please keep in mind that every item is handmade and whilst all our love and care is given to creating them, slight differences can occur between items or from that pictured.

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